Olbermann, back on air, speaks his mind

Olbermann, back on air, speaks his mind WB Keith!!
Below KO Reads Tom Tomorrow ON THE AIR - Classic KO


  1. Did you see this? Tucker Carlson is such an asshat.

  2. I posted on Crooks and Liars, all Mr. Bowtie needed to do was subscribe to KO on twitter and he would have known it was a hoax.
    Tweet from KO:
    If you see a supposed email exchange between me and somebody named Bykofsky @PhillyDailyNews - complete fake. Email address shown not mine 3:41 PM Nov 9th via web

    Also I actually wrote a post about Palin called "The Audacity of a Dope" : http://italianforant.blogspot.com/search/label/going%20rogue


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