My recent email to the RNC

You idiots have f***** up really bad. Your party will forever be associated with Confederates and Nazis and enemies of the state. At this point you should be very humble act as if you are on probation act as if you've been given a second chance. 
Instead you're running your mouth acting like the victim, no! you are the bad guy, you attacked the capitol. You need to put your head down you need to be very humble you need to tiptoe you need to be quiet and just listen. Republican means idiot, stubborn, crazy, traitor. You better straighten up your people because no one wants to be associated with you anymore. All my Republican friends are switching to independent. You're an embarrassment, you breathe because we are allowing you to breathe.
 Each and every Republican is suspected of sedition. You cannot be trusted you are snakes, you need to be making amends, you need to have your head down and your mouth closed you need to sit in the corner and STFU in shame.
If you keep playing Civil War we are going to have to General Sherman your ass.
Again you are on probation and you better start acting like it, get real humble, lose your f****** attitude, you're not the victim you're the bad guy. When you open your mouth no lies, no stupid or crazy s*** should come out only humble apologies as you beg for forgiveness. You have forfeited your constitutional rights. You should not be arguing a f****** thing right now. 
Start by accepting the truth: you lost the election. Your candidate was the worst in history. He killed 380,000 Americans.
He lost 4.7 million American jobs. Democrats did not need to cheat to get rid of a candidate this spectacularly terrible.
You cheated. He cheated in 2016 but you got away with it, you cheated in 2020 but it wasn't enough you screwed up and lost.
Personally I think your party should be disbanded and made illegal as a terrorist organization. When you look in the mirror know that you're a terrorist. Know that you're a traitor. Know that you will never be taken seriously or listened to again. You forfeited all of your constitutional rights when you idiots decided to attack the capitol. You need to keep your mouth shut except to apologize for at least the next 10 years while we clean up the mess you made in the last four. Next time you select a candidate for president try not to pick a moronic, lying, treasonous, piece of subhuman filth.

You know goddamn well every word of this letter is absolutely f****** true. Get on your knees and thank God above that you haven't been executed for treason.(you will probably force us to still do that)
Your entire party deserves it.

You better lose the attitude.
You are unamerican garbage.
You need to crawl on your hands and knees until we believe you are actually Americans again.
Try telling the truth and accepting reality.
Your continual gaslighting does not exactly encourage us to allow your treasonous ass to live. Again consider yourself really really fortunate and be really really grateful and get really really humble for at least the next 10 years. Republican equals enemy of democracy. If you keep your mouth shut and your head down for the next 10 years maybe you can change that perception.


The actual Patriots of the Democratic Party


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