It's open season on right wingers.
You right Wingers had better sit down and STFU. You fascist f****** have gone too far. You imagine yourselves patriots, you're not, you're enemies of the state. You motherfukers have been actively trying to destroy the United States usually economically for as long as I've been alive. You treasonous fascist, confederate c********** just tried to take over the capitol. You don't believe in democracy, you don't believe in science, you don't believe the news, you want a dictatorship, you are f****** unamerican pieces of s***. If I was a republican I would sit down and keep my mouth shut because it's about to be open season on you stupid pieces of s***. Every f****** one of you traitors needs to be put up against the wall and shot. America is sick of your treasonous, stupid, fascist slime. The sane people of this country are coming for you. If you are Republican you better start hiding that fact because your car is going to burn, and your house is going to burn, and you're going to get killed coming home from work. (when we find out who you are, we will dox you, and you will not have a job anyway.) My advice is leave the country you're not wanted here anymore we're not playing with your b******* anymore you don't deserve this great nation. If you are a Republican You Are An Enemy of the State. If you are a republican you are a traitor. You deserve to die for what you have done to this nation. We are not putting up with your stupid crazy treasonous b******* for another second. Be warned: it is open season on you stupid motherfukers. You are not a patriot, you are an enemy of the state.
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Please be nice and civil TY Ray