Lose the attitude deplorables

Dear deplorable tRumper,

After the s*** your party pulled on January 6th the Republican party and the word Republican will forever be synonymous with traitor. Because you supported a traitor you are a traitor by association. You forfeit your constitutional rights. You need to sit down in the corner like a whipped puppy an STFU. You don't get to discuss politics. You don't get to what about Joe Biden or Hunter Biden. You forfeited your constitutional rights when your terrorist organization the GOP decided to attack the Capitol building in an armed insurrection.

You need to be very very grateful and very very humble right now and very very quiet.

Over the next four years the grown-ups are going to try and clean up the giant f****** mess you made. If you don't shut up and you keep trying to play Civil War we are going to General Sherman your ass. What does that mean? That means we are going to pull you from your home and burn your house to the f****** ground. Anything with a Confederate flag gets burned to the f****** ground. Anything with a trump sticker or poster gets burned to the f****** ground. You need to be very very grateful you aren't being executed or deported. 

Right now anyone who voted for Donald Trump is suspected of sedition. Consider your ass on probation or parole. You need to lose the attitude and get real humble real quick because we are about to break seriously bad on you. The sleeping giant is awake. The United States does not negotiate with terrorists.

You were never a patriot.

It wasn't black people.

It was not Mexicans.

It was not Muslims.

It wasn't antifa.

It was not BLM

It was white Donald Trump supporters.

Take a look in the mirror.

It's you and your kind.

It was you and your party

Nobody stole your f****** election you f****** morons you got conned like you got conned every time Trump opened his mouth.

Now sit down and STFU for the foreseeable future. The grown-ups have a lot of work to do cleaning up your mess.

Consider yourself lucky, you got off easy.

You deserve death. Next time pick a candidate whose not a traitorous piece of s***. (If we decide to let you vote)


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