"(Then Came The) Last Days Of May"

According to Buck Dharma, "(Then Came The) Last Days Of May" is the true story of three collegiate drug dealers who went to Tucson to score for the fall semester. They were ripped off and shot. While two of the guys died, the other survived to testify against the perpetrators, who were two young men from a notorious wealthy local family. They apparently served about ten years in prison before being released." Since the end of May is approaching and Buck is my "Guitar hero of the month" I thought the post appropriate. Lyrics link


  1. Not crazy about this version. Too fast....loses the feel and "space" the original had. And the double time "jam" section....bad idea...

  2. I too prefer the version from "On your feet or on your knees" but I saw this concert and there aren't many version of the song on YouTube

  3. the other interesting thing about this version is they let Alan play the first part of the solo.....


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