Homelessness Part 3

This morning at the shelter after my breakfast of OJ, 2 cold pankakes and a bowl of generic cheerios,  I rushed to board the short bus and visited the Dept. of Children and Families, otherwise known as the food stamp office. Although I applied and was approved for foodstamps, DCF requires that you call in for an interview. I attempted to call in for several days with out success. The primary number just rang and rang with out even identifying itself as DCF, nor was there any voicemail. The second number was so overloaded by extraordinary high call volume that it routed to a small business somewhere in Florida. They were very irate about receiving calls bound for DCF.  Because of the overburdened phone system, I had to take time out form my ongoing job search to visit DCF in person. They were nice enough and able to interview me within a reasonable amount of time, however they were clueless to the fact that their phone system had a problem. Gov. Rick Scott the corporate criminal the the moronic citizens of this fine state elected to office, is cutting budgets to the bone, while the numbers of homeless and those needing social services surge. The overflow will end up incarcerated and cost you fine taxpayers even more money than if the state shelled out additional funds in the first place. God save us from conservative ideology.


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