He was your Presidential candidate.

I have written about Mitt Romney in the past.
Specifically I wrote about him when he was running for president against Barack Obama.
Republicans seem to have forgotten he was their candidate. I laugh at them when they call him a rino because he voted to remove Donald Trump from office during the first impeachment trial.
 I find it amusing. The Republican Party has devolved so badly into a steaming pile of
treason, ignorance, and bat-shit crazy, that this wackadoo mormon is the GOP's beacon of sanity. This guy believes there is a Planet Kolob waiting for him in the afterlife. The fact that the magic underwear wearing guy represents sanity and reasonable thought should tell you all you need to know about the mental state of the rest of the Republican Party. There is nothing left but kooks. I am ready for atheistic political leaders, unfortunately America is not.  I know we have freedom of religion, but personally if you believe in an invisible Sky Daddy, you should be disqualified from public office because you are insane.

"Those that can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."


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