Open reply RWNJ's on social media

Dear RWNJ,

On behalf of myself and the Democratic Party I want to thank you for the crazy stuff you post on Facebook. Your complete detachment from reality and your fact resistance helps us to illustrate that the Republican party has devolved into a group of crazy people. You used to be known as the grand old party. Mostly we differed on policies such as the economy, abortion, and civil rights.

Around the time of the Obama presidency you allowed the Tea Party in and you became the stupid party. Around the time of McCain choosing Sarah Palin for VP you became the batshit crazy party. (Theory: trumpism is the direct result of PTSD from Obama derangement syndrome)

The craziness has only gotten stronger; it's like boiling soup for too long. Actual conservatives and moderate Republicans have left the GOP in droves.

They don't want to associate with your brand of stupid and crazy.

Soon all that will be left is crazy uncles and mental patients. There's no way to discuss policy with people who are completely detached from reality.

Your fact resistant, anti-science, anti common sense, stubbornness have made you impossible to work with. Your hatred of education and pride in your ignorance makes you impossible to reason with.

You have become completely brainwashed to where you don't believe in science, nothing you hear on the news is true, only the lies from your dear leader, the ranting of Alex Jones, and Qanon nuttery reaches your brain. Today the GOP is known for being ignorant and/or crazy. That's it.

You have zero respect. Any Republican with half a brain, who is semi-sane is run off as a RINO. (ex. John McCain, Mitt Romney)

For some reason all of the women in your party have the same insane look in their eyes. (you know it's true). Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Amy Coney Barrett. 

The eyes don't quite focus. 

The lights are on but no one is home.

The rest of the world looks at the Republican Party and laughs or has pity. Sometimes fear, sometimes ridicule.

You are like the population of a mental ward, shuffling around in a housecoat over-medicated and mumbling: "China, china, Hunter Biden's laptop, fake news, fake election, socialists" As you move away from actual news sources, you hide in your snowflake safe bubble at Fox, Breitbart, OANN, Newsmax and parler. This only concentrates the crazy.

Every time you post, someone looks at it and says "Nut Job". If you ever want to be taken seriously again as a political party you need to seek psychiatric help, take your medication, and join the rest of us in the real world. You need to read some books on civics, history, and economics. Some science and biology wouldn't hurt either.  If you want to keep posting crazy crap, we thank you, you're only helping the Democrats and hurting the Republicans.

If you're going to keep up the crazy crap then thanks for making sure you idiots never ever retake the White House. Your party has become a complete joke and no one at all really listens to what crazy people have to say. Once again thank you for your post it lets everyone know Republicans are too crazy and too stupid to vote, let alone lead.

Have a cray cray day!!


"it is better to keep ones mouth closed, and be thought a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt."


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