You support the Troops, I can't afford it.

The Wars are based on lies. The Troops are dupes.
Murderer's not Defenders of Freedom, but stealer's of life.
They are not hero's , there is no glory in battle.
The guy in this video, He has courage, he's a hero.
Most of the rest of our Troops are Oil Co. thugs whether they realize it or not.
If they want to defend us from all enemies of the state both foreign and domestic, they would start by fragging the nearest General or NCO cowboy, and move on to take over the banks, corporations and lobbyists that have destroyed America more thoroughly than Al-Qaeda ever could. They were not drafted, they volunteered. I am not a troop hater, I just think they got suckered. They kill civilian's. They brag about it. I got flamed for posting a similar comment on the YouTube site. I am sick of supporting the troops.
I just can't afford the bullets anymore, I'm broke.
Key Quotes "the rules of engagement in Iraq are a joke"
"This needs to end and we need to bring our soldiers home now"
Warning: The video below is graphic and horrifying.

Rise Against - Hero of War

Mega Update: Mission Accomplished!!!
McCain declares Bush Victory in Iraq!


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