Should all churches be tax exempt?
Despite the name of this blog, I am by no means a bible scholar or theologian. Is Mormonism is a form Christianity and a valid religion? Some would say that all religions are cults. Most evangelicals do not acknowledge the Church of Latter Day Saints, as they do Judaism or other forms of Christianity. Mormonism seems to me a relatively new schism designed to obscure the finances of a secret society. (You may argue they all are) It has little to do with scripture and the teachings of Jesus. The huge churches IMO are an offense to God. Churches should be humble; acquiring real estate and wealth is antithetical to Jesus's teachings. The church of LDS holdings are incalculable. It's disgusting. Churches in our country are tax exempt, but I don't think the church of LDS deserves that exemption. Most churches don't, they are businesses, and should be taxed as such. Jesus would certainly rebuke todays churches: Luke 18:23 (N.I.V.) "...