
Showing posts from June, 2010

Endless War

I love authors who are linguists. Guys like Noam Chomsky and George Orwell can/could cut through the bull because they understood (and in Orwell's case invented) doublespeak . Never forget that the DOD (Dept. of Defense) was originally known as the "War Department" Excerpts George Orwell's " 1984 " Oceania has always been at war with East Asia and anyone who does not know this is contrary to the orthodox view and is subject to enforcement authority by the thought police, as a thought criminal . "If, for example, Eurasia or Eastasia [whichever it may be] is the enemy today, then that country must always have been the enemy. And if the facts say otherwise, then the facts must be altered. Thus history is continuously rewritten. This day-to-day falsification of the past , carried out by the Ministry of Truth , is as necessary to the stability of the regime as the work of repression and espionage carried out by the Ministry of Love ." (Italics ...

Helen Thomas spoke truth to power

Helen Thomas has asked more tough questions of more administrations than any journalist alive. She spoke her mind. She was fired. Unfortunately she was right and history proves her so . I used to support Israel, but more and more I feel they have become the thing that created them, Genocidal Fascists. Israel is an artificially created state . Israel has illegally occupied the West Bank of Gaza for over 35 years. Israel is committing War Crimes. Of course we commit them also. What's going on in Gaza is as bad as anything the Nazi's did. Look at any map of Palestine over the last 40 years and you will see how the Palestinians are being systematically deprived of their land and exterminated. We have a "War on terror" Look up the word "Terrorism" . Below is the transcript of the questions that got her fired. So much for free speech. It was unpopular but it was historically correct. For the record I am not an anti-semite and I am not a Holocaust denier. I am...

Disappointment - Another Sell Out

Given the choice again between Obama/ Biden vs McCain/ Palin , I'd again vote for Obama, but he's turning out to be another corporate whore/Dino. Sell outs: Health Care Industry Industrial Military Complex Big Oil Big Banks Big Pharma His failure to fire Ken Salazar makes him complicit in Oil Crimes. His failure to fire Timothy Geitner make him complicit in Bank Crimes. His escalation of the War in Afghanistan makes him complicit in War Crimes. Guantanamo is still open. No public option. He caved to Big Pharma . This is not what I voted for. He seems more concerned with pleasing the Right than the Netroots progressives who elected him. I heard him referred to as "The Black Jimmy Carter". Almost accurate except Carter wasn't a corporate whore. I always thought " The man " was white. I was wrong.

Those that fail...

"Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. " - Winston Churchill You are probably familiar with the Exxon-Valdez oil spill of March, 29 1989, but not as familiar with the Ixtoc oil spill in Mexico in 1979. Mexico is still cleaning it up . The Pemex owned rig was drilling at the incredible depth of 150 feet . 3.3 million barrels of oil leaked into the Gulf. It took more than 9 months to stop the leak. It was the largest oil spill in history until Exxon-Valdez. The fire and leak have many similarities to the Deepwater Horizon incident still spewing sludge, benzine, oil and who knows what else into the Gulf. I just don't understand why we never seem to learn from our mistakes. (Greed outweighs logic?) As I read and researched this little known oil spill, the thing that struck me immediately is that Ixtoc is a perfect anagram for Toxic.

I Hate Banks (Part 2)

As if I needed another reason to hate banks. BOA is now being sued for failing to pay (forced) overtime and other wages. No breaks, no lunch. Basically ignoring State and Federal labor laws. H/T to C&L.

Gulf Oil Spill Ticker

Just like watching the pump as you fill up. Read " 10 Things You Need (But Don't Want) To Know About the BP Oil Spill " H/T to Greg B . BP Public relations Twitter /snark

Supreme Court Ruins Cop Shows

The Supreme Court today voted 5-4 to weaken the Miranda Decision. Aside from the fact that any Cop can claim you didn't "Evoke" your right to remain silent, but it will forever change the way Cop and Law dramas are written . 2nd time this week the Supremes have spit on us. Sotamayor wrote a strong dissent. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the ruling "turns Miranda upside down" Know your Rights, all 3 off them.....

Aquaman killed by Gulf Oilspill

Sad but true. Not even a Superhero can defeat the Evil of the Oil Industry. H/T to Oliver Willis .